Recently, Vladimir Radutny & Paul Tebben conducted an in-depth interview with Vladimir Belogolovsky, founder of New York-based Intercontinental Curatorial Project.
A transcript of the interview was recently featured in this year’s May issue of Tatlin News in an article titled “How It’s Done In Chicago (translated from Russian to English).”
IDE was featured alongside a collection of prominent Architects, Artists & Designers including Morphosis, UN Studio, Ai Weiwei, Christian Pottgeisser, Mathieu Lehanneur, Architectebbureau Koen Van Velsen, Henning Larsen Architects, AXCT-IDOM Group, Hein-Troy Architekten and GSARCHITECTS ZT-GMBH.
Please click here to download the article as a PDF in both Russian & English formats.